Filming Evaluation Day 3-29th Jan
We had to make several changes to our initial plan when discussing our filming plans for the exorcism scene.
Furthermore, we initially planned to film in an inside/room location (a spare room in Alice's house), however this had to be changed therefore we decided to film in Francesca's garage as we would still be able to create a sinister atmosphere and still have an element of isolation. This change in location also meant that we no longer had a chair or bed for our victim to lie in therefore we decided to have our victim on the floor as through high angled shots, we could still emphasise the vulnerability of her character.
We began filming around 5:30, however, the daylighting wasn't an issue as we were shooting in inside anyway. After our victim and priest had been dressed and had their make up and props, we set up our set. Prior to this filming day, we had ensured to burn out some of the candles so that they looked worn out and were different sizes to emphasise the sinister-looking set which we wanted.
- We were able to deal with problems (e.g.actors not being able to attend, location change).
- We were able to shoot a variety of different camera angles and lighting shots.
- Battery running out-ensuring the camera was fully charged/battery wasn't wasted.
- Not being well familiar with our camera.
- We could have been more efficient-whilst our actors were getting ready, others could have been setting up or do lighting checks.
- We could have used more props to make our priest as easily identifiable to our audience as possible.
- We could have used more candles to highlight our sinister setting even more.
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