Wednesday 5 February 2014

Fake Blood

Cuts Practical

Look #1

The following YouTube clip is one of two ways in which I achieved my looks. I used the exact same method as shown.

  • Firstly, I moulded a small piece of wax in the shape of a sausage.

  • After blending the ended on my skin, I then used a little foundation to blend with my skin tone, before using the back of a pin, I made an incision in the middle of the area (where I wanted my cut to be).

  •     After this, I put a dark red colour inside the incision before addimg fake blood.



  • I feel that this is an improvement from my previous make up/bruises practicals in terms of it having a realistic look.


  • I would have preferred if I had branched away from the exact method as shown in the clip in order to add more originality.
  • I don't think this would fit in well with our genre as it isnt as likely to see such bloody wounds in supernatural horrors
  • If I were to use moulded wax again, I would try and get the colour as close to the victims actual skin colour as possible or add additional colour to fit the skin colour.

Look #2

With this cut, I used liquid latex  and tissue paper instead of using the moulded wax. 

  1. Firstly, I made around 2-3 layers of the liquid latex and tissue paper in order to add some 'skin' texture.
  2. Whilst the latex was drying, I cut 4-5 very small pieces of black thread and set them aside.
  3. Next, I carefully cut through the 'skin' area and covered the whole area with a small amount of foundation which was as close to my skin tone as possible. 
  4. Once this was done, similarly to look #1, I covered my actual skin (inside the cut) in a dark red colour before layering the same are with fake blood.
  5. Then I added the black thread using a minimal amount of glue to mimic stitches.
  6. To finish off, I added a lighter red colour to the surrounding area to make it look sore/swollen.



  • I like the realism of the area surrounding the wound as I think it actually looks swollen.
  • I think that this conforms better to the genre as even though it looks gory, it isn't too much as it doesn't look as though it would fit in a slasher film.


  • I could have made the stitches look more real if I had placed them neater (even though this could alternatively be seen as conforming to the sinister genre).
  • I could have used a smaller area as the wound.

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