Sunday, 19 January 2014

Burns Practical

Burns Practical

From my last make-up practical, I wanted to do another attempt to try and make the marks look more realistic. From my previous evaluation, I thought that to have a lot of blood and gore would'nt appeal to the genre very well, therefore I decided that it may be more beneificial to make burn marks, as they are quite subtle but would still be effective as our antagonist/victim could look "tainted" with this. I tried to use similar equipments which I used when trying to do the wound as when on set, we could be able to do a several types of wounds/marks.

Firstly I put a line of a thin layer of PVA glue on an area and left it to set until the glue was completely dry and see-through. After this, I put a black shade of eye shadow around the dried glue to make it look like dark burn marks. I paired this with a colour close to my skin colour to make the colours blend more effectively. 

After this was done, I removed the glue by stripping it away from the area which left a distinct line, which made it look like a burn mark. To emphasise this even more, I added a red colour to the area to the "wound" to make it look like my flesh.


Whilst I do think that this looked more realistic than my previous practical of a wound, I think that i could have done more to try and add texture to the wound. For example, by using moulding wax, I could have made it looked as though my skin was was falling off or by using shading techniques to make is look come across without having to use additional materials.  I also could hae experimented more with colours and added a purple/blue colour to make the surrounding skin looked as though it had been bruised. Furthermore, I think I could have also made the inside wound look more intense; as though it was heavily bleeding using fake blood. In addition to this, when doing the real thing, I would ensure that the eyeshadow which is used isnt glittery or has any other extra effects as this takes away from the realism.

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