Sunday, 12 January 2014

Case 39 Deconstruction

Opening Deconstruction: Case 39

Mise en Scene (and Lighting):

The very first thing which the audience sees is the location of an townhouse situated in a wooded and isolated area, which is shown within the setting of low key lighting which immediately enforces the eerie atmosphere in supernatural horror films.

As well as this, the low key lighting throughout this first scene enables this mysterious atmosphere to be sustained.
 The dark clothing of the man and woman going up the stairs also adds mystery to the scene as both are wearing dark clothing (black shoes and grey or black trousers).

Furthermore, when the door is opened, the limited lighting is shun directly on the little girl which allows the audience to see the floral purple and white bed sheets as well as the floral pink nightdress which she is wearing which shows her portrayal as innocent whilst emphasising a common antagonist which the supernatural genre where an innocent girl is shown to contrast the audiences initial portrayal. As well as this, her innocents is also presented through the harsh top lighting of the girls face, framed within a mid shot, which makes her look angelic.

Camera Angles: 

After the establishing shot showing the sinister location of the house, the camera zooms in on the house whilst the lights which can be seen through the windows, begin to be turned off, highlighting the mysterious atmosphere.As well as this, there are several close up shots of a feet walking up the stairs as well as a close up shot of hands opening the door and a mans eye face looking at the little girl, which creates suspense as the audience are unaware as to why he is doing this.


Within the opening scene, the diegetic sound of dogs barking within the distance re-enforce the idea that the house is isolated. As well as this, the diegetic sound of creaking floorboards and doors also emphasises the sinister ambiance which is being created alongside the low key lighting.

 Furthermore, the non diegetic sounds in the first scene also emphasises this as the eerie and continual sounds of wind instruments adds suspense to the scene. Also, there are three different sounds which are being played on top of one another. Although all sounds are continual, they range in their pitches and instuments (for example, on has a deep drum sound whilst the other has incorperated strings).

The dialogue of "I can see you" also adds to the sinister opening as many of the audience may be aware of the well known phrase "I see dead people" from Sixth Sense (1999) which they may relate to this as they are so similarly phrased in order to reinforce the ghostly conventions within this genre.

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