Sunday, 5 January 2014

Victim Costume

Victim Costume

The last costume ideas for the victim in our film opening were a good starting point for the final product.  We want to portray our victim as innocent and young.  This is because the stereotype for the main, female victim in horror films are usually young, innocent and pure.  So after looking at other horror films for inspiration I decided on a simple, white nightgown from Primark with a light pink floral pattern to make it more feminine.  

So after looking at other horror films for inspiration I decided on a simple, white nightgown from Primark with a light pink floral pattern to make it more feminine.  I then put the dress on some muddy ground and stamped down onto it and rubbed it against outside dirty walls to give it a more grunge look.  This will give the effect that the victim has gone through some sort of physical trauma, or in this case, like she has been running away.

As the opening goes on I will make the costume more dirty as the girl gets more panicked and more possessed.

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