Monday, 25 November 2013

Evil Dead deconstruction

Evil dead is a remake of the original 1981 film.
The book which sparks off the possession is stitched together which makes it look like someone has tried to destroy it and not succeeded. There is also warnings on the inside of the book which gives the impression that bad things have happened before. This effect could be easy to replicate as you could stain pages of a notebook to make it like this.
Lighting is very important as there are various shots which have limited lighting. This is because Mia the protagonist is shut away in the basement. There is also the use of torch light which has the common convention of being afraid of what you can’t see.

There is a lot of non-diegetic sound used. There is soft orchestral music when the brother is contemplating killing Mia. This makes the audience sympathetic as he is looking at pictures of them growing up while sound is going on.
They use straight cut edits to think the audience think that this story is not fantasy and find it more realistic.
The special effects make up is very effective as it looks very real and the use of lighting can help with this as you do not have to the whole to tell that something is wrong with the girl.


This film also has the girl who is being possessed in an old style white nightgown. This could contrasts Mia's character as she is not innocent and at the beginning of the film she decides to not rely on drugs any more.

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