Sunday, 17 November 2013

Lighting in Supernatural Horror

Low level lighting is very often used in horror films to create a creepy, mysterious atmosphere, as darkness is usually associated with evil.  Darkness all makes people feel more vulnerable and threatened as they are unable to see as much and people fear the unknown.
The second picture is one that I took of my hallway using a small lamp light.  This low lighting creates darkness and shadows that can be used to create a creepy atmosphere for the horror film genre.  

The first photo is a picture of my street with low lighting from the street lamps.  The second is the same place but with a flash camera.  I think that both photos are relevant to the genre but the first is more creepy, although the second is in better quality.

Back lighting is also used in supernatural horror to create a shadowy figure.  The back lighting creates a mysterious, unknown figure which is blackout.  This creates a fear of the unknown as you are unable to distinguish who or what the figure is.  
The  second picture is my recreation of back lighting.  I have used a window with a lamp behind it to create a silhouette of my hand.  I think that this is relevant to the coursework because the use of hands against windows is quite common within horror films.  The whiteness of the light also gives quite a supernatural feel the picture. 
To evaluate, I would say that low-lighting is very effective at creating a creepy atmosphere as it highlights the fear of the unknown and extenuates shadows. Although it is hard to get a good picture quality.

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