Sunday, 10 November 2013

Location Research 
A huge convention for a supernatural horror location is an old, traditional house.  The house is usually large and maybe disused. In the case of the woman in black, the house has no current inhabitants and is falling into disrepair.  The use of mainly grey and dark tones creates an eerie atmosphere and the sheer scale of a large, empty house is quite frightening to the viewer.  
 A main location which is used in supernatural horror is a normal, everyday location such as a family home.  This makes the film as realistic as possible as it relates to every single viewer.  The fear that this situation could happen to anyone brings the audience further into the film.  Other films which use this location are Sinister, Insidious etc.

For my own location research I went to an alley way behind my house.  I thought that this would be an appropriate location for a supernatural horror as it is an empty place where there is no one around, this is good for horror as being alone, without help of others is quite scary.  It is also quite enclosed so there is no here for the victim to run.  The garages are quite dirty and urban looking which ties in the horror genre.  I like the graffiti on the wall because it gives off the atmosphere of not a very nice area which comes in parallel of being a dangerous place to be.  I also took pictures of the same location when it got dark.  I prefer the location in the darkness as it is more spooky and appropriate for genre.

To evaluate I would say that a dark location would definitely be more genre appropriate but maybe a change of lighting throughout the opening would also be effective.  The gratified, dirty location would also be very effective and appropriate for genre as it creates a more creepy, dangerous atmosphere.

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